Have you ever noticed that when you are at a special event like weddings, concerts or say New Year's Eve parties, that you create friends for that night. One's that you may never see again. During the course you talk about anything, there are no repercussions, you barely know each other. You may dance together, share drinks or just simple conversation, but for one night they are your friend.
Now take yourself two miles into the woods, to a cabin with no running water, no showers and only a wood stove. That is where one of the best New Year's for the Stranded Dog has been. Not the first time into the cabin, nor the last, just the most memorable. The people there were from all walks of life; military, teachers, social workers, and social media specialists. The caretaker of the cabin, a former Air Force mechanic turned wilderness education teacher and caretaker talks of skiing and climbing, while others have in depth discussions about different beer styles. To listen to the conversations is enjoyable. The warmth of the wood stove, the smells of the open cook area, the yips of a three month old husky looking for someone to play with. These are the things that surround you. As time goes on you get closer to the conversations until you are a part of it. Giving insight into ones own life and experiences. The night continues until the countdown begins... 5...4...3...2...1!!! Happy New Year's!!! You high five your new friends, kiss your loved ones and enjoy the moment. When you wake in the morning you pack your sleeping bag and other gear out of the unheated bunk room you slept in. As you make your way through the main cabin you say your "Good-Byes" over a quick breakfast. Then you are back on the trail on your way back to your everyday life. Will you remember those people you shared the moment with? Hopefully you will, and if you don't you might be able to have some more One Night Stand Friends at the next event in your life.
December 2015